How To Support Your Mental Health As A Caregiver For A Loved One With Dementia

Maintaining a caregiving role is never easy, but being a caregiver for someone with dementia can pose a unique set of challenges. It’s vital for anyone, including caregivers, to care for their mental health in the best way they can. So, how can you support your mental health while in a caregiving role? What Is […]
Does Caffeine Really Help With Depression?

Caffeine consumption is affiliated with a number of benefits and drawbacks. Often, in addition to a sense of alertness, one of the most common perks mentioned in discussions about caffeine consumption is a boost in mood. When it comes to depression, though, does caffeine really help? What Is Depression? First, let’s talk about what it […]
ADHD And Coffee: Can Caffeine Really Improve Your Symptoms?

When you think of caffeine and the way it generally affects a person, you probably think of someone encountering a burst of energy or even jitteriness. However, many people with ADHD say that coffee, or caffeine in general, helps them focus and feel calm. This take is frequently seen on online forums and other similar […]
Bali, Indonesia open its border for International Flights From 9 February 2021

Yes you read that right! Starting from 9 February 2021 you can enter Bali, Indonesia but only with the right visas + strict covid-19 regulations. Please read the details here: From January 1st, 2021 Bali, Indonesia chose to closed the border for all international flights after months (Oct – Dec) receiving international tourists for December […]
Coming to Bali? 4+ countries that are banned to enter Bali

Planning the new year’s eve in Bali? or any other holidays you already have high hope for? Well, sad to hear that Bali – in this case, Indonesia – is banning visitors from these countries regarding Covid-19 in Bali. Besides banning visitors from certain countries, the Indonesian official government also requires travelers from Europe and […]

A Guide to BGS Coffee – Best Ever in Bali!

A friendly guide to BGS Coffee – The Best Ever in Bali! Get to know about our coffee, how it’s made, its origin, and more in this guide.
Free BGS Mask with every BGS Tee purchase

Bali’s government has allowed bussiness to open from 8am to 11pm but only with Strict Protocols! All customers must wear mask or else the business will be shut down. Get special BGS mask FREE on every order of BGS Tee!
6 Ways to Make Your Coffee Habit Healthy

Always make sure that you can get the most from your cup of joy. Share these tips on making your coffee habit more healthier with your coffee buddies!
Do These 8 Things as Your Therapy Habits During The Quarantine

Well as the latest update on corona virus in Bali, Indonesian has taken some measures. One of them is to keep you guys #stayhome. The idea of staying home sounds fun but what if it months not days or weeks. It possibly can crush you outside & inside. You might miss the good old days […]