A Guide to BGS Coffee – Best Ever in Bali!

A friendly guide to BGS Coffee - The Best Ever in Bali! Get to know about our coffee, how it's made, its origin, and more in this guide.
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A friendly guide to BGS Coffee – The Best Coffee in Bali (according to our Google reviews)!

Get to know about our coffee, how it’s made, where it’s from, and more, in this online guide.

The Beans

Our coffee is Mandheling coffee from Sumatera. It is known as Mandheling coffee in English, but in Bahasa Indonesia, it is known as Mandailing Coffee, referring to its origin in the Mandailing Natal region in North Sumatra.

Mandheling coffee is an Arabica type known for its smooth, full body and its rich, complex taste. The beans give a vibrant taste with chocolate and licorice tones.


Coffee extraction is the process of dissolving coffee flavors from coffee grounds in water. The extraction is everything the water takes from the coffee grinds. The duration of the extraction – the brewing process – determines the taste of the coffee.

A PERFECT extraction is a quick finish and leaves a lingering flavor of brown sugar on the tongue.

Different types of coffee products we serve:

Latte / Almond Milk Latte

This is our most popular coffee!

A popular option for coffee drinkers and good entry point for someone who likes flavored and specialty coffees. 

A latte consists of espresso (ours come standard with two) with steamed milk poured over it, the milk is steamed to the point where it becomes quite foamy and frothy, but not so much as a cappuccino.

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Cappuccino is a strong contender for the most popular coffee order in the world. A cappuccino is a three-layered beverage, it’s like a cake.

The first layer is espresso, followed by a shot of steamed milk, and then finished up with a layer of frothed, foamy milk. The difference between Latte and Cappuccino is Cappuccino uses more frothy milk than a latte.


The inverse of long black, our Americano is made with two shots of espresso, and with more hot water than a long black would typically use.


The premise is simple, use high pressure to force hot water through ground coffee beans, and pour the resulting concentrated brew into a cup.

Espresso is the purest and most refined coffee experience you are likely to have, and it is hands down the best way to try different blends or single origins in order to discern the flavors and nuances of each.

Flat White

The flat white is made using the milk from the bottom half of the frothing pitcher, which will be more silky. As we’ve mentioned, lattes are frothy and foamy, whereas flat whites are silky and flowing. While they use the same espresso to milk ratio, the way the milk is treated in each beverage is vastly different.

Long Black

Hot water is poured into a cup, and is then followed by two shots of espresso, resulting in one of our stronger coffees.

Chai Latte

Chai latte is like a Latte. Made of a special spiced chai concentrate and Steamed Milk. In addition, it has a lighter, foamy texture resulting from the steaming of the milk. Be sure to try with our vegan Oat milk!

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At BGS, we serve Turmeric and Charcoal Chai Latte. Naturally caffeine free, but you can also add a shot of espresso to pump it up!

Ristretto Shot

A Ristretto shot is a shot stopped early around 18-21 seconds, rather than running full shot to 26-30 seconds. The coffee will be oily and thick with a sharper more intense flavour, bringing out the true flavor of the coffee. Ristretto is used mostly in Espressos, Piccolo, and Long Black.


Kind of like a tiny cappuccino without all the milk and much, much smaller. A piccolo latte is simply a shot of espresso with a small amount of foamed milk gently poured on top. Try it with all our milk options (Soy/Oat/Almond and Fresh) to find that perfect balance of flavors. 

It’s a good option if you’re feeling a bit full, or for those who want more coffee than milk but don’t enjoy the bitterness of straight espresso.

The Milk

For Latte, Cappuccino, and some variants of coffee need milk, steamed milk.  At BGS, we have these four kinds of milk.

  1. BGS Almond Milk
  2. Milk Lab Soy Milk
  3. Minor Figures’ Oat Milk
  4. Greenfields Fresh Milk

We sell our own homemade Almond Milk fresh in 1-liter bottles as well as cartons of Minor Figures a barista specialty imported milk substitute. Ask in store for your BGS at home coffee experience! 

Try “BGS at Home” for a private coffee experience. We offer ‘Aeropress’ branded coffee extraction tool that works best with fresh ground medium coffee grinds.

Aeropress is lightweight and compact, perfect for home or travel.  Aeropress is pretty well globally recognized as one of the purest/simplest forms of coffee extraction.

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BGS Coffee

BGS Coffee can be purchased at our stores or online in three variants:

Whole bean, Medium Grind, and Espresso Grind

Whole Bean

If you have your own grinder, then you can buy the BGS Whole Bean and customize the grinding based on your preferences. We have 0.5kg and 1kg whole bean packed in our stores.

A small tips in grinding process. Adjust the grinder to make the perfect consistency of coffee beans. The size of the coffee grounds, i.e too fine, perfect, too course will affect the taste of the coffee.

  1. If grounds are too fine (i.e. small) the cup of coffee will taste burnt.
  2. If grounds are too coarse (i.e. big) the cup of coffee will taste bitter and tangy.

You may need to adjust the grinder throughout the day to make sure grounds are consistent. Humidity and heat can loosen the grinder adjustments and change the consistency of the grounds.

Medium Grind

bgs coffee bean medium grind

The medium grind consistency is similar to regular sugar granules. The happy medium grind. Our Medium grind is ideal for the below kinds of home brewing methods.

  1. Flat bottomed drip brewers
  2. Cone shaped pour over brewers (V60)
  3. The Aeropress with +3 minutes brewing time.
  4. Siphon brewers

Espresso Grind

BGS Espresso grind a fine grind, and the most common grind. The consistency of espresso grind is a little finer than table salt.

Our Espresso grind is perfect with these kinds of brewing methods: Stovetop espresso – Moka pot

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